Michael Jackson : Life Of A Superstar
- 主演:Michael Jackson,Janet Jackson,Jermaine Jackson
- 其他:2009年 / 8.1分 / 英国 /
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Michael Jackson,Janet Jackson,Jermaine Jackson
迈克尔·杰克逊:巨星的一生原名:Michael Jackson : Life Of A Superstar,
So much has been said about the turbulent life and phenomenal career of Michael Jackson that it has become almost impossible to disentangle the man from the myth. **** than any other icon in history of popular music, Michael Jackson remained a charismatic but elusive figure of heated debate. But one fact will forever remain undisputed: his extraordinary talent for creating trul...
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斯卡哈的卡 2021-04-30
和他之前的纪录片大同小异 但他的故事 无论看再多遍都不会腻
轩煜 2010-02-02
dylanchan 2014-08-10
Salute to Michael Jackson. 纪录片往往都是有角度的,让我看到了**人性的一面 R.I.P.
Adore Light 2017-07-23
最近Chester Bennington的离开又让我想起了Michael 那个缤纷异彩才华横溢的年代早已随着他 一起去了
逝去的单相思 2012-07-26
So much has been said about the turbulent life and phenomenal career of Michael Jackson that it has become almost impossible to disentangle the man from the myth. **** than any other icon in history of popular music, Michael Jackson remained a charismatic but elusive figure of
Lika 2021-03-05
向日* 2010-12-02
有悦 2009-11-07
比之This Is It,角度不同,這個說的是一生,片長卻短了一半多。
老戴 2021-01-15