A Very English Education
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- 其他:2013年 / 未知分 / 英国 /
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A Very English Education
The British public school is an institution renowned the world over. In 1979, the *** made a documentary series about life inside Radley College, one of the UK's most privileged and traditional boys' boarding schools. In 2013, *** director Hannah Berryman caught up with some of the boys who featured in the series to find out how their lives panned out after they left Radley. As...
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M. Dzvonski 2015-04-24
Something private education shares in common
baicecho 2022-04-12
Reflections and recollections.
鱼更 2013-10-30
"At the end of the day, school is just school."
sarah🇺🇦 2014-05-07
T.Huxley: You do shut down certain aspects of your emotions and feelings. You're less open. You don't show emotion. I don't show emotion. Ppl still criticise me of that today. Boarding school makes u very independent. 是的,我也有這樣的syndrome,幼兒園+中學都boarding。。。。