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抢答 第一季

抢答 第一季

Jeopardy! Season 1

  • 别名:抢答
  • 主演:Alex Trebek,Johnny Gilbert
  • 其他:1984年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
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  • 主演:

    Alex Trebek,Johnny Gilbert


抢答 第一季原名:Jeopardy! Season 1,又名抢答

美国历史上最长寿的问答电视节目。  sonychen 注  On the heels of the syndicated success of "Wheel of Fortune, " producer Merv Griffin decided to return his classic quiz show-with-a-twist, "Jeopardy!" to the airwaves in 1984. It, too, was a huge success, and also marked a return to the ****'s tried-and-true formula of answers and questions (after a slightly-modified remake six years earlier failed t...

抢答 第一季获奖情况

第75届黄金时段艾美奖:游戏节目类 最佳主持人(提名)。

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