Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You
- 主演:Norman Lear
- 其他:2016年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片
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Norman Lear
诺曼·李尔:只是另一个你原名:Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You,
How did a poor Jewish kid from Connecticut bring us Archie Bunker and become one of the most successful television producers ever? Norman Lear brought provocative subjects like war, poverty, and prejudice into 120 million homes every week. He proved that social change was possible through an unlikely prism: laughter. World Premiere. DAY ONE FILM
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白昼白 2016-08-29
感觉上是一部再平常不过的纪录片吧。不过从一个personal level了解一个电视人/电影人总是有意思的。在上个世纪60、70年代在sitcome上公开谈论性别/种族/政治问题的Norman Lear,确实推动了一整个**的美国电视产业。
forfaen 2017-01-29
All the art forms will always comes to the ultimate question, where are we from and where shall we all go.
苏呜呜 2016-04-11
when a comedian is being serious, you listen double carefully.
***** 2021-02-17
And that’s the ***** journey in life, learning that you have to find the satisfaction yourself. It’s hard to be a human being.