My Neighbourhood
- 主演:
- 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / 美国,以色列 /
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我的邻居原名:My Neighbourhood,
Mohammed El Kurd is a Palestinian teenager growing up in the heart of East Jerusalem. When Mohammed's family is forced to give up a part of their home to Israeli settlers, local residents begin peaceful protests and in a surprising turn, are quickly joined by scores of Israeli supporters. Mohammed comes of age in the face of unrelenting tension with his neighbors and unexpected...
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是Moon 2021-06-18
estha 2023-12-25
"I wrote ** first poem even before I knew what poetry was." "We grew up very much knowing that just and righteous and brave people can make a difference." 小男孩现在变成了作家,出版了纪念祖母的诗集。