Blurred Lines: Inside the Art World
- 主演:朱利安·施纳贝尔,玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇,Rashid Johnson
- 其他:2017年 / 7.3分 / 加拿大 / 纪录片
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- 支持手机,可直接点击观看
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- 主演:
朱利安·施纳贝尔,玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇,Rashid Johnson
模糊地带:艺术圈内原名:Blurred Lines: Inside the Art World,
As one art scene insider proclaims, the contemporary art world can be summed up as “rich people trying to prove how rich they are,” but is that all there is to this billion dollar industry? Well-researched and expertly constructed, Barry Avrich’s eye-opening documentary peels back the layers of the art world economy- from production to circulation, and delineates every integral...
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熊仔俠 2018-01-28
fro🌈t 2018-01-11
囍弗斯 2022-07-20
Eri 2018-11-12
Although this documentary is kinda blurry itself and did not go into a lot of details about things, it did make me rethink ** love for contemporary art. Especially famous artists and museums. It all seems like such a scam... One thing I don't like is that I had to look up Vicky Ward. The film failed to credit many people who are ****** the commentaries. I don't like when documentaries do that. Names and credential should be up ideally at all times. And this film is highly stylized so you have no idea what the context of these clips are.
btr 2019-01-29
西西 2019-03-04
讲 Jeff Koons 是伟大的市场艺术家,而非单纯的艺术家,挺妙的。
MAYHOW 2018-07-01
Geographer 2020-12-02
其实跟Marina Abramovic关系不特别***钱人永远有钱,穷人永远穷着。
Line 2017-04-25
作为Money and Art World 101是很好的 At least you get to know what's happening as a spectator in an art fair. 然而各方在这棋局中作用轻重不一 就要有兴趣的人各自去探求了
马里兰蓝蟹 2019-02-03
我感觉比price of everything真诚一点,虽然里面各个方面都是点到为止,好像所有人都在等一场巨大的泡沫破灭,这样可以各回原地。最印象深刻的还是clement greenberg跟Schnabel说的那句“early success never last”。