Motivation 2: The Chris Cole Story
- 主演:Chris Cole,Tom Asta,Edmund Bacon
- 其他:2015年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 运动
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- 主演:
Chris Cole,Tom Asta,Edmund Bacon
Motivation 2: The Chris Cole Story
Shot over the course of a year in San Diego, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and China, Motivation 2: The Chris Cole Story is the story of a man that earned his place as an innovator, motivator and legend in skateboarding that now creates inspiration and opportunity for a new generation. Cole's progression from humble neighborhood beginnings to the world of elite street skateboarding...
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pissoff 2020-06-12
在刚接触板片第一次看到cole神时就觉得他身上有种格外不一样的沉稳特质,不过现在看来也有岁月沉淀的缘故,毕竟哪个少年年少不轻狂。滑板事业成功同时还拥有良好的母子关系、**关系、亲子关系,看多了逃避现实寄情滑板的板仔,cole神好让人感慨。btw我好喜欢没去zero之前cole神我的心里只有滑板满脸attitude的小屁孩打扮哦~those good old days