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Agnes Cecilia - en sällsam historia

Agnes Cecilia - en sällsam historia

  • 别名:Agnes Cecilia / 神秘的公寓
  • 主演:Ron Elfors,Vanna Rosenberg,Gloria Tapia
  • 其他:1991年 / 未知分 / 瑞典 / 悬疑
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  • 主演:

    Ron Elfors,Vanna Rosenberg,Gloria Tapia


Agnes Cecilia - en sällsam historia又名Agnes Cecilia、神秘的公寓

Nora is 15 years old. Her parents died in an accident when she was little and now she lives with Anders and Karin and their son Dag. As they move into an old apartment, unexplainable things start happening. Who is the woman ****** the mysterious phonecalls? Why doesn't their dog want to set foot in the round room? Why does Nora keep hearing steps coming from the round room ****...

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