Zee die denkt, De
- 别名:The Sea That Thinks
- 主演:Bart Klever,Devika Strooker,Rick de Leeuw
- 其他:2000年 / 未知分 / 荷兰 / 剧情 , 喜剧
- 点播
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- 主演:
Bart Klever,Devika Strooker,Rick de Leeuw
思海原名:Zee die denkt, De,又名The Sea That Thinks
The Sea That Thinks is a surprising film about itself. A film overflowing with twists and turns and new angles. It focuses on Bart, a scriptwriter who is writing the script for this film. In the film, Bart himself plays the scriptwriter writing the script of The Sea That Thinks. He types what he does and does what he types. In his film, he finds the answer to the urgent questio...
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Katje 2010-01-20
视角很独特。但是不是每个人都能看懂。> <。