Bill Maher: Live from Oklahoma
- 主演:比尔·马厄
- 其他:2018年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 喜剧 , 脱口秀
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比尔·马厄:俄克拉荷马州现场原名:Bill Maher: Live from Oklahoma,
Bill visits Tulsa, Oklahoma for his 11th *** stand-up special.
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旭亮搜神记 2020-04-06
Bill Maher is still one of the best liberals in the country. Bill does hold a very lazy and convenient view on Christianity. Sorry, no kids no fucking real reflection on real issues. Go assassinate **** hypocrite Republicans and PC police though. Read **** Bible and history by the way. The way to go.
Virgil 2020-11-04
翻了翻列表居然还有两个彪**专场没看,自动默认自己all了……不喜欢这场,看这场姑且算是呼应今天的热点……太左的人槽川反而没啥意***起standup更像rally。不过我看彪马主要还是为了那点atheist fun
Xavia 2018-07-15
Such a cliché to ***** about Trump like anyone else but it's refreshing to diss about libtards I guess.
NARUMI 2020-04-19
Watching Bill's live to relieve pressure of the coming bar exam. 40min We choose to laugh not because it's easy but because it's hard 44min In this age...not many have real authenticity.(But) Bernie did 62min Mexican are not stealing your jobs. Robots are stealing your jobs 75min I've never seen Breaking Bad... i have never fxxked a republican