Albert Camus: The Madness of Sincerity
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- 其他:1997年 / 未知分 / 英国,法国 / 纪录片
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Albert Camus: The Madness of Sincerity
Documentary about the writer Albert Camus, including interviews with his former mistresses and Camus' daughter Catherine and her twin brother Jean, who talk about Camus and their feelings for him. Looks at his life and work, with letters and extracts read by Brian Cox.
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Yvonne 2023-03-18
She was devastated by Camus’ death.She loved him.And Maria.Maria was perfectly discreet.She is a ***** lady,you know.At one point Francine said to me :"What about Maria Casares? " "Do you think she’s alone right now?" "Poor thing." Francine 去世后Maria才出版她的自传,两个善良的美人。97年的纪录片,Maria 96年去世。纪录片中还出现了Mi,这么多年过去了谈到Camus’ death 她眼神暗淡下来。Camus是幸福的,被这么多人真挚地爱着。
木木示言 2016-04-26
Adieudusk 2018-08-31
尚卢洛夫斯基 2020-12-14
Pilgrimage.Xu 2022-03-23
'Revolt is life.' I think he needed a family, because he was a man of the heart and very emotional... He had ***** trouble in reconciling all this, as it's always difficult to be both a solitary person, a reclusive author, and at the same time to need human contact, and there are responsibilities one has towards those one loves. It's a tall order.
月亮三次升起 2016-04-02
97年的纪录片,因此有很多当事人出镜,而且有挺多珍贵影像资料(还有原声)提及了他的几部重要作品和基本经历。演绎他剧本的片段和朗读作品穿插其中,一些观点也让我想重新拿起书再体味一遍。以及最后镜头定格在的那个笑容,突然就令我难过起来。Yes, he was full of life.
缘木石 2020-04-05
Very handsome, full of life, emotional