And Then They Came For Us
- 主演:武井乔治,Mary Street Alinder,Satsuki Ina
- 其他:2017年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 历史
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武井乔治,Mary Street Alinder,Satsuki Ina
And Then They Came For Us
As members of the Trump administration have raised the specter of a Muslim registry and instituted a immigration ban against people from Muslim majority countries, they have cited the unconstitutional incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II as the precedent. As the documentary And Then They Came for Us demonstrates, the registration and incarceration of Japanese...
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潋 | Béatrice 2017-12-07
A must-watch. Applause for Abby Ginzberg.