Scrapbooks from Africa and Beyond
- 主演:Edward Behr,Agnes Alando-Hoffer,Murielle Amori
- 其他:1998年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
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- 主演:
Edward Behr,Agnes Alando-Hoffer,Murielle Amori
Scrapbooks from Africa and Beyond
Easily the most compelling and comprehensive movie ever produced about the life and work of Peter Beard, covering all aspects of his life, professional career, and personal adventures beginning in the 1960s through the 1990s. This is the definitive portrait of the world's greatest adventure photographer. Iconic photographs of Beard's legendary past are revisited and for the fir...
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nagoshi 2012-12-13
拙于言的人之所以顯得可愛,往往是因為他們有着極端豐富的心靈。Peter Beard则是一個典型的反例。影片的副標題可以寫作《*油粉面巧舌如簧的鐵路**後裔的**嬉戲,和他多如繁星的**朋友們》。