Chris Distefano: Speshy Weshy
- 主演:Chris DiStefano
- 其他:2022年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 喜剧
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Chris DiStefano
克里斯·蒂凡诺:斯佩西韦西原名:Chris Distefano: Speshy Weshy,
Fueled by six martinis and a sold-out crowd, comedian Chris Distefano talks getting yelled at on social ***** and why he's waiting for his dad to ***.
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Virgil 2024-08-26
不断话说一半自己反复打断有点烦人……club 9/11 bits比较好笑但这场属实一般。用力太猛嗓子还哑了……
刺杀loli 2023-01-13
the bit on latino women open and close their hands, killed it!!!!!
🍄 2022-05-10
好想dy出个新🎁特效 起名爱的花朵 (im just mad for/madly in love w him. that was it, that was ** time to rly be in love w u, when i saw those smiles, i got so emotional ** i thought, ive only wanted as wonderful as u tob ** knight in shinin armor. no one else.
椒盐豆豉 2022-05-10
有些段子还行,但是怎么有人讲单口像 rap 一样完全没有节奏起伏的……